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Advice from the BP Measurement Experts

Why Does the Cuff Have to Be at Heart Level?

Dog-with-paw-at-hear-level For accurate BP readings, the cuff can be placed on the limb on a dog if the limb is elevated.

Have you heard the requirement for blood pressure (BP) readings that the cuff must be at the same height as the patient’s heart? You may already be aware that this is necessary for all oscillometric monitors to get the most accurate readings possible.

But why is this necessary for accuracy? 

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When should veterinary blood pressure cuffs be replaced?

Chloe_20210824-150208_1 Chloe is modelling our size #3 Vet Cuff

Here at SunTech we get this question a lot: How do I know when it is time to replace an old blood pressure cuff? 

There are a couple of foolproof ways to tell if your BP cuffs are getting worn out.

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